$ 99.00
The MindReflector® C-1 Neurofeedback Training Application is a true EEGBiofeedback/Neurofeedback training device for Windows-based operating systems (Coming soon for Mac OS). Your brain trains itself using visual and audio feedback from your library of mp3 and avi media files.
The MindReflector® C-1 application uses EEG brainwave data received from the NeuroSky MindWave USB headset (purchased separately). Real-time information about a user’s state of mind is provided by the MindReflector® application to offer four different training protocols: Quiet Focus, Meditative Relaxation, Full Spectrum Training, and Alpha/Theta Training. These protocols incorporate proprietary algorithms based on current brain-behavior research and knowledge of the neural correlates of consciousness.
Dr. Thomas E. Fink and Tullio DeSantis, creators of MindReflector Technologies, LLC, are members of the International Society for NeuroFeedback & Research, and Dr. Fink presented MindReflector® clinical research results at the 2012 iSNR conference.
Additional information on MindReflector Technologies, LLC and EEG Neurofeedback can be accessed at:www.mindreflector.com